Ouch! Toxic Abuse is sharp!

Toxic Abuse. When you live with or are married to a toxic person, the marriage is devoid of any emotion or anything else on their part, unless they want something. When they can give, it’s a brief episode to reel you back in, but you will not realize this until you have been through the cycle many times. This circular enclosure contains many sharp triangles. Ouch! They have affairs and do the most unbelievably horrible things. You are not aware of the part you play in this game and are not to blame. You just don't realize what is going on. You give affection, love, and a connection. Over time, you begin to feel like you are doing something wrong. There is an unhomely atmosphere of wrongness that lingers in the house. Whatever you try does not work, it makes things worse. Your constant attempts are laughed at or met with nothing. In your naive state, you carry on giving, like a hamster on a wheel trying to escape. But until you wake up, you will never see the open door. The puppet m...