Toxic Abuse: You accepted the wolf's invitation and looked into blue beards, the beast's pit of bones and skulls of past meals.


Narcissistic abuse, which is a torrential onslaught against you, not only mentally but physically slowly grinds you down.

It is a multi-directional approach to killing you softly, whilst hiding you away from possible suspecting eyes while smiling to the outside world as they block you, stop you from sleeping, place pillows over your head to muffle the screams, steal your address book and hide you in their mousetrap. You will be pawed at and rolled over by the wolf. Your veins might trickle with rouge as it gets rougher, but to the animal, this is a sign they are winning. You will be let go off for a while, and then they draw back in. You will get to the stage where you do not know your mind. Your phone is bugged, and your emails are monitored. Your best friends have been slept with, or they hate you due to your “beloved ones” tales of woe—or both.

If you were not parented. Abused or suffered enough trauma as a child, the likelihood of ending up marrying or living with a person who believes that Machiavellian strategies to bring others down or to get what they want is very high. I made a film about it here on my channel with links to government research.

To the naive child: unmothered, unfathered. Left to wander through growing up avoiding the pitfalls of the stork delivering you the wrong address. Meeting something that smells the same as the abusive family, is all too familiar. You see the ugly duckling never realized their worth, never found the swans, and will continue to follow the wolf home to help them cook dinner until they are completely gobbled up. This of course is metaphorically speaking. But if you never see the monster, for what it is, they are, you could end up perpetually being dinner.

It is not a case that you end up with someone who is just a better strategist than you. Or now you are crying over spilled milk. You see, meticulously squeezing the last drop of warm red blood from you is performed while sucking every last thought from your jelly-like brain. Some would boil your bones for broth if they could. Many people successfully strategize their lives to get the most out of it and these are decent people. We are talking about those who are deeply attached to the evil side of their psyche and use deviant games and all that is meant for good in a reverse fashion to inject pain into other's worlds until they reach their goal, gain the top job, see off anyone who suspects and so on.

The toxic beast, the madman with a big smile that fools the fools themselves, is not living as a humane, concerned, sincere individual. They are living as an inhumane, disillusioned megalomaniac, who only has their interests at heart. Well maybe not even within their heart, perhaps in every cell in their body and every breath they take.


So, you venture through hell, you make it, travel through the graveyard on the night of the living dead, so what now?

I would say that you have learned a lot.

That staying as a victim once it is over must end at some point. You are so much more now you have run the gauntlet. I never felt like a victim. I felt pain for many months in my whole body at the attempts to bring me down, the trauma choked me. I could not talk about it all until recently. I believe my brain seizure was directly linked to this massive build-up of years of abuse in my naive state of mind (there was yet to be an awakening) and then two years of harassment which I dealt with mostly on my own and phoning the Samaritans.  I made friends with and through people who arrived in my life because of the harassment. New people who cared that  I picked up along the way and they helped where they could. I was taught how to go grey rock by a private detective and how to have skin as thick as an elephant by a young friend who walked with me whilst I was shouted at and followed numerous times. But I never felt like a victim. On the day a man came after me in a park with a knife my stress levels went deeper, to a new level. I didn’t sleep for about six months and went from nine to six stone although I ate very well. I felt like the wolf was fattening me up for dinner and the feast would be me laying in the hospital mortuary with my harassers glorious in bringing me down.

But simultaneously something else happened. I flew up, up above it, and wanted to know why this was happening. Why were all these local people and neighbors involved in my demise?

Hating me, wanting me dead, to be gone

Your true behavior and all the lovely things you did for them are blackwashed. The meals you cooked, the debts you paid off for them, the car deposits you forked out for. The birthday cakes, the massages, even when you knew they were seeing other people because you were informed you did not fit in with what they passionately needed. Or maybe they had punished you for having children and told you so. That their coldness was a payback for making them feel love for a child. They were forced to do good. Evil does exist. All of these thoughts and experiences are common, especially when you speak to others who have lived with these types. But I would also say to you again, what have you learned?

More importantly, what got you into the guilded cage in the first place? You see, as hard as it is, at one point, early on, you might have had a feeling in the pit of your second brain, your stomach that something wasn’t right. Maybe friends waved red flags right in front of you, but you, you carried on anyhow…skipping merrily towards the cliff edge. Maybe you could love the wolf so much it would turn into a lamb….

You accepted the wolf's invitation and looked into blue beards, the beast's pit of bones and skulls of past meals.

You won't go there again, will you? So now I say to you again, what have you learned and what tools do you now own to protect yourself? Will you now listen to your stomach when it tells you something is not right?

Maybe you saw the wolves ears one day poking through the sheepskin, but you felt so desperate to be part of something, anything, you carried on stroking the wolf, stroking its tummy, hoping you wouldn’t get your fingers bit off if you said the right things and fed it steak.

You learned a lot, didn’t you? So now wear the pouches of knowledge, and lessons on your belt and let them come to life in words and actions.

Based on the experience of others and myself

Sonya Vukomanovic S. Lawrence 24/01/2024  ©

Myla's Blog, which is worth reading!


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