Angels : Wings: Something in the light

Not for many years, but actually thousands, humans have been talking, painting, and drawing about what we call angels.

Far from being an endangered species, it seems that they have always been there. Possibly somewhere between what we see and what we do not see.

Something against the light, or even showing itself within the sudden streams of light that enter a room. Some of us even see a broader spectrum of light. Are these the lucky ones who can see something invisible to everyone else? You think you see something, but you turn away.

What if that something was actually trying to come into your life to help you or guide you?

From Metatron, who acted as a celestial scribe to the Book of Life. To the author  Lorna Byrne, who has written many successful and rich books telling us of her interactions with angels throughout her life, these beautiful visitors from God seem to be making a comeback. Metatron was a robust winged messenger of the Kabalah and thought to have once been the patriarch Enoch.

But to really find out where angels were first mentioned we need to head East to ancient Mesopotamia to the year 2112 BCE. The Sumerians believed in a pantheon of winged beings called the Annunaki. For many years we have thought of these timeless fables coming from ancient Persia as fables, made-up stories. But what if the Annunaki were not just deities, but in fact real living messengers of God, whose ancestors live on today?

Many books arrive out of the marketing campaigns of large publishers trying to push angels on us. It's enough to make anyone believe that all of this is a load of spiritual mumbo jumbo.

If you research divine intervention or mystical people suddenly appearing to lift a car off a child, and more, the stories are out there. Many people who would not have told their stories are now in the camera's eye, describing their visions, and the miracles that have taken place in their lives.

And for me, in my life. There has always been a presence. Recently, whilst going through a difficult time that was horrid I also had many miraculous events happen. It seems that just as in the law of the universe dictates, what happens on one side of the equasion will have its parralel. In my case, help come in many forms.

This particular event took place two years ago. I had just had a brain seizure. I had been through two years of unusual events whilst getting divorced, and my brain just decided enough was enough. After being released from hospital I decided to go and see my friend who is a gifted chyropractor. I was tired and the seizure had left me in a fog and my back was twisted. So, on the day of the visit to this large northern city on the train, I decided to order a taxi to his home clinic from town.

As soon as I saw the taxi, I knew God was at work again in my life. A beautiful top-of-the-range black car appeared for me. It was the kind of thing you see superstars climbing out of at film premiers. I opened the door and checked with the driver it was for me. Yes, it was.

I climbed into the back of the beautiful smelling car feeling blessed and knowing something wonderful was about to take place. The driver had a warm, soft voice. He told me about his life. Then it went into abuse, a cheating wife, and the full spectrum of behaviors that showed me from my own experiences that he was dealing with a toxic individual. He was worn out. He was working every hour he could to pay for his wife's studying and second house. He was the primary carer for the children along with his mother. He was cooking, cleaning, and also working. When we reached our destination I saw the tears in his sweet face and I knew why God had sent me to him. He needed me. He went on to tell me how he could not talk to anyone as it was his duty as a husband to do all this, but he couldn't carry on. He felt like he was being driven crazy. He was simply worn out with the criticism and the abuse.

So, we talked and I signposted him to films on YouTube that had helped me, also books and finding someone wise at his place of worship to talk to and ask for help. He asked if he could pick me up and take me for a drive and chat with me later. Well, he did after my appointment and then took me to the station. He thanked me, and then as I went to go he stated that when he got the call to pick me up he knew I would help him. God had told him so, and as my name is Sonya, that means wisdom. He said that when he first saw me he thought I was an angel.

I thanked him but said I was just happy to be there for him. I knew that God had placed me in his car to help him and reassure him everything would be okay.

It took me ages to get home from that appointment. It was dark and I went to bed exhausted, but happy I had been of service.

Early, the next morning, a friend popped around to see me. She announced that she had a present for me. I told her not to waste her money as I had everything I needed. She insisted I open the bag and accept the present.

As I lifted the ractangle-shaped object out of its bag I saw it was an art canvas. And printed on the front was a pair of angel wings. My friend said she felt compelled to buy it for me yesterday afternoon. It turned out that was the actual time of day, the day before, I was talking to the taxi driver. I told her what had happened.

So, you may be used as an angel or you may see them, as many of us have.

And if we all start talking about the things we see and experience then perhaps the light that they come forth from will show us all the way to go.

© Sonya Vukomanovic/Lawrence 14/10/2023

You can find a link to my Nature, Art, and Music Blog here. You can find me here on my marketing and business blog and here on Medium, as well as at The Sales Recruitment Network here.

Further Interest: Freddy Silva: 


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