Lost Marian Devotions: Behaviour in the external world is a reflection of within

So, most of us would say we are not evil.

But could being false and portraying yourself as something you are not, enhance your ability to hurt others?
Do those who are far from themselves tend to have the biggest defense? 
Well, they do need it after all.

Many people are not themselves, as in following a path of grounded self-love. They cannot bring this internal need out into the real world to give to others. They simply do not have it.

Behaviour in the external world is a reflection of within

Therefore, anyone who has high levels of narcissism will come out with horrid words and behaviors. Deciding to act in disturbing ways to others. Does this mean they cannot be expected to bestow what they do not gift themselves?

Dealing with them: Are the actions of people pleasing and being subordinate the answer?
But there is a price to pay. For as you give your time, your energy. Do everything to enhance their life, you deflate and become disorientated. Mothering yourself might have to come first.

Finding a way out is the only answer if they will not accept your self-love rules called boundaries. Failing that, requesting the RAF to parachute you down, as far away as possible might be the best route.

Let them create their life and focus on yours
Many chase their tales by wanting to have it all. Mimicking a famous person's look or wanting everything they saw in last week's magazines. Some even become thick with debt, just to have the car that should have stayed in their dreams. With some women, in time they become so covered in fake tan and makeup, that they literally are wearing a mask. Hiding their sovereignty and natural beauty under a layer of gunk.

In a society where the female archetype narrative is controlled by men, authentic feminity has been banished. 

Do we have a tribe, beating false drums?

A drum placed in their hearts that has nothing to do with loving themselves deeply, nurturing their soul, and allowing themselves to be a divine feminine. Do we need men to tell us how to be ourselves, because if we do, then surely we are lost somewhere?

Just like the image of Mother Mary that has been hidden away, gathering dust in the loft.

And in our hearts and in our upstairs, we know we need to bring mothering and our divine spirit back out. Hey, but who took away the loft ladder?

All writing may not be used or quoted without prior agreement.© Sonya Vukomanovic/Lawrence 20.10.23
@ Tiggy Sonya

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