The Day We Were Born Is Special

We arrive in this human realm. Sometimes smoothly, sometimes not. Birthdays: How you celebrate your birthday is a very special thing. The experience, when living with a narcissistic family mob or partner becomes a drama, a play. There might be some genuine celebrations during the growing years with a family. You might be given a huge party as a child, and everyone in your class at school is invited. Even the ones that bully is not your party, remember that... But if there is no love, then it feels shallow and all about the person, or team providing it A celebration of their organization skills, cooking, and so on. As your little guests leave you might come away feeling deflated, let down. And if your misery is detected, which it will be. You will be told you should be grateful, look what we did for you. Ah, but oh no, it was about them as usual. The adoration must flow around a king or queen bee's. In this Waltons-like family where the whole system is...