Every day is a chance to bloom, to start again. Yesterday has gone and you can release the past, and take steps to go forward. Blossoms are blown away every year, but this doesn't stop the tree from growing... Some inspiration for you...
Not everything sweet is good.
Sometimes what is bitter might cause change, which helps us to change our ways. A lesson learned can be the starting point to a healthier destination...
What would you rather have? Learn the lesson, change, and move on.
Many people who have experienced toxic abuse spend their whole lives blaming themselves needlessly for the actions of others. Trauma becomes stagnant and they become ill. It doesn't have to be this way.
Yes, it happened. Yes, you are allowed to be angry. And yes, you need to release those pent-up emotions. Why not try martial arts, Qigong...or one of my favourites: Run or walk to somewhere safe and then stand in the wind and scream...scream angrily into a stormy wind and let it out. Or scream into a pillow. ( Make sure no children are within hearing distance though as this will traumatize them). Gutteral screaming is a great safe way to let out trauma.
And finally, something you probably won't be told when in therapy from a violent, abusive, and toxic childhood. Having been abused, tormented as a child, and therefore traumatized you need to heal and work through your childhood trauma, CPTSD. If you do not you risk accepting toxic behavior as your norm as an adult, as that is what you had no escape from as a child. You accept it and cannot see vile, arrogant, and selfish behavior as wrong...and stay far too long....

S. Vukomanovic/Lawrence 22.04.2024 Cat Image:©
Update: 03/05/2024 Inspiration Below...
Until you get off that Merry Go Round
Wooden hollow horses may be fun
But they don't cuddle up at night
Or hold your hand, in the warmth of the sun.
When the world blows out your candle
Just remember it was once, so brightly lit
And in time it will burn again
But for now, just be still, and grateful
There is so much more than this..
Did you know that doing yoga for nine to twelve weeks immensely improves the symptoms of PTSD? It's important to attend a class, and be part of a group if you can....but how do you feel that would change your life?
When we choose to learn from our mistakes. When we decide to learn from those who choose to be abusive, then we have more than we had before. Now, that is a richness money cannot buy
Trauma from any kind of abuse can make you self-isolate. This can be because of the shame you feel that these events occurred. it is common to feel like this. You can spend your whole life hiding away because you do not realize you have CPTSD or adult PTSD. Imagine passing that shame back, it is not yours to own. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Whether you were a child or an adult, narcissistic abuse, violence, or body violation are never your fault. Opening up to the pain and letting it flow can physically hurt. But better to do so at some point. To deal with it and let it out, rather than hold it in. Your truth is your truth, it happened, but the shame and the burden are not yours. You can let it go if you choose to.
Are you walking around looking through your rear window? Many of us have or are doing this. If you are holding a lot of pain, and reliving the memories, you might be. Is that time to stop, mend yourself, and have the life you are entitled to?
Moths attracted to your light!
Maybe the moral of that is to make sure you don't attract them in the first place. And if you do find something attracted to your light you don't like the sense or feel of, then you move out of the way. If you give your pearls to swine, don't be overly surprised if they munch your precious sea stones.
Hindsight teaches us all, and the lesson will keep on coming until we learn the lesson.
All things come and go. Light shows us the way. The middle path, the common ground, lit up in many ways.
Beautiful contrast. So we may make choices, or we wouldn't know the way. We gracefully move forward, knowing that motion is the blossom on a breezy, rainy spring day.
His heart was sore, it ached a lot. So he stopped looking at the weeds. In time he noticed that the sky seemed bluer and the day kinder. There amongst the flowers and the bees.
Did you ever meet someone, who had a wooded heart? All they had were shavings left over to make you laugh. And when at last you realized, you saw right through holes, to the other side. Where worms had eaten them dry. All that was left was sawdust. You waved that heart goodbye..
Sleep well, and deeply, and may the sunshine find your soul in the morning. I'm sure it will...and waken it with love and strength...
Toxic people drag you into their dramas
And everyone else as well
And when push comes to shove, it's all your fault, for
believing in right, when it was wrong.
Empty vessels are hollow, shallow to the core
Don't waste your time filling others, who just
need more and more..
Where the stars meet the sky, there is a gap, of something, somewhat unknown. A gap through which maybe ideas evolve and the solar wind blows.
Down and around underground, a space, there to be revealed. Something stirs, a reflection born of nature, to fulfill a wanted need
There are dualities in life. There is good, there is bad. Dark and light, and in the middle a path, that you can recognize this interesting journey from.
Wisdom and Sleep are good for you
Learning to look at things differently when we go through adversity might be the way to go. What do you think? This added to rest, sleep, and movement can really bring changes to a life...
Goodnight said the unicorn, as it flew into the setting sun. And with the night arriving, the elders settled down and watched as the winged majesty returned again to home.
The elders fell asleep in the stone circle and refreshed once more...
Acid-like lemon drops
Soar to the core
Thoughts of hate...
Always come from those who are greedy & want so much more...
Turn around, and face the sun
Walk away from, those who send poisoned arrows..
Acid no more...
We all extend to the edge of our own universe, or ignorance. To want more, and to search beyond the outer limit, where we grab a handful of moondust and each spec reveals something new..
Cosey Cats
He said, come and be a cosey cat
And we shall wrap up together and drink camomile tea
We shall dine on fish paste sandwiches
And dance the tango on the roof of next door's shed
And when we feel all warm inside my love
We shall go to bed.
Faith is good for you
Cats and lions are so beautifully the same.
One will curl up on your lap and one will definitely
eat you if you pull its mane.
Unless it is called Aslan, then he will place you on his back
And kittens will purr as you pass
Because of course, that is the finest cat
Tabby Fun
Tabby cat, bent this way at that
And when at last Tabby stopped to rest
She found her toes beside her head!
Purr Wishes
If I could fly to the heavens
And blow stardust all around
I should wish for salmon stroganoff
And devour it all myself
That is my wish little dandelion
Thank you for your seeds
That then blooms, like yellow sunshine
And spread happiness for all to see!
You may think you are a mere cat, a mere mog of patches, stripes of plain.
But look in the mirror and you will see the Tiger within..
f you met an elf on a shelf, you would say, do you really exist? So why believe in love, when it is a feeling, not something you can touch.
It is something made from nothing, that comes from absolute thin air. It is nowhere, somewhere, a tiny action. Your heart saying it cares.
Colour me pink. Colour me blue. Colour me a rainbow, said the child to the moon. And the next day, his promise he did keep. And smiled as he said goodnight to the Sun, and fell asleep.
For that moment, the sun was cradled by the clouds. A rainbow broke through in every colour allowed.
And as the stars drew near, a new reality was born.
Made with space dust and intentions, happiness then dawned..
Love this! When we are grateful for what we have, maybe it is more possible to live in contentment in our lives. It is also a great starting point and somewhere to grow roots deeply into
Daydreams and petticoat tails
Warm breezy evening walks
With a sprinkling of rain...
This path, your path
The only one you have
be sure to step forward
And never look back..
A new way to go
Leave the past behind
Dont turn around
Or you will focus on a life that died
A made of due drops
In the morning sun
Could glisten under every step
Of this journey you have begun
You may have everything you believe you desire, but what if what you need does not come through constant want.
For desire is endless and drains your well-being surely? Love is an endless ripple from within...
A conjurer can instill your need for anything, and convince you that you need a flight to the moon.....
Joy is growing in the ground, and blossoming from within.
Why does the sky rain
Weeping excess from the sky
Too much to carry in a cloud
Falls, and the clouds, now lighter smile..
Waking up in a way is a boundary. You put fences up in real life because you can see wolves about. When you are asleep, in a dream state that you believe is reality, you see sheep everywhere, but no wolves! Remember though, there are lovely folk as well
May your day be bright as you rattle down this old road.
And your suspension serves its purpose
As you do your daily load
And if the bumps are too much
Sit and think of happy things
And if it all gets too much
Have a cup of tea!!
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