
Harassment: When they finally snap, and are sectioned.

Many people who escape a toxic partner go through months of pain. Pain in your joints, in your head. In the end, exhaustion strikes.  The Waterworks Crying can be good for you. It relieves the pain, and after a good weep you feel better. For some victims of abuse, it is hard to cry. Why is that? Many victims of abusers go on to experience years of harassment throughout the divorce. It could be that you are stuck in survival mode.... The abuser calls in favour and uses any means possible to shut the victim up. If children are involved, the harassment campaign could include corrupt professionals. I was informed by a Private Detective that he had dealt with many cases of organized harassment that would see the victims' parental rights taken away from them. When they finally snap, and are sectioned. The abuser could bring in groups of criminals to help harass the victim. Some victims have their cars bugged and their ex-partners even reach out to family members who abused the victim as ...

The humble Abacus, they were handed out in primary school. We learned how to add up. You carefully moved the beads along the horizontal wooden bars.

Todays Thoughts. Adding up life?   That is something we are not taught in schools anymore, is it? In my childhood, I was lucky enough to attend a small Church Of England School in the seventies that was influenced by the work of The Waldorf system. As we headed out of the sixties, which had been heavily influenced by an alternative way of thinking, and an exploration of new ways of being, many teachers sought to bring their belief systems and what they deemed necessary into the classroom. This ethos lay a path followed by children.  A few years ago I met John, who attended the same secondary school. An extension of the school system I had been lucky enough to develop through. We spent two hours talking about the Persian rugs, outside English classes. Also, photography walks with our in-house art guru and teacher through the woods, along the high street, peering into shop windows and taking in the texture of brick walls. The school had left John with a love of books, learn...

Primal Scream: Internal Time Bomb For You

The truth you hide from others, and yourself will ultimately break you. It is the covert part of the psychopathic/narcissistic attack. They know that. It is a win-win strategy for them. An internal and external time bomb for you. But it does not have to be so. I can see how this plays out in the many woman and men I have met who share lived traumatic childhood experiences. As a child, you are unable to defend yourself against violence and older siblings who try to molest you. With the abuse comes the words that attach themselves to the deepest parts of your brain. "There's something wrong with you" And then we have the violent physical attacks. One of my more interesting memories is of an older brother who tried to molest me under the guise of "Come and help me clean my room". I was around four or five and he was old enough to have left home. Looking back, it was a power play. I was the youngest and received attention for being bright and chatty.  In those earl...

Psychopathic Bed Manners: Suffocation

Our story today shows what it is like to live with a madman. Have you ever wondered what it is like to live with a really toxic person? If you attend a Freedom Course in the UK you will meet many men and women who have endured similar experiences. As you attend the weekly meetings, your experiences have much in common with others on the course. You discover that they too had the unthinkable happen behind the happy outer walls of the home.   As the target becomes worn down over many years what would appear to be abnormal to others becomes normalized. Psychopathic Bed Manners: Suffocation Karen had gone to bed at ten the night before. Judy, the toddler, had not woken through the night. It was now three-thirty on a sunny October afternoon. Karen stood in the playpark, watching the other parents chat. She had left her husband Robert at home. He detested coming to the park and it was much easier leaving him to read his Dad's Army Script Books. When he accompanied them, he was ...

CPTSD: The puzzle it creates in later years and why you ended up mismatching yourself

Have you ever looked back and wondered how you seemed to surround yourself with the users and takers, the jokers. If you have, you need to realize something that might be hard to believe about yourself and those you call a family. Childhood trauma has been proven to wreck the body, and many of our behaviors are dictated by what we experienced in those formative years. One of the concepts you have to get your head around when untangling the sticky veins of childhood trauma is that it has grown into every layer of your being. You have some work to do. Recently, watching a television drama in which the main character told a female actor that when they had dated in younger years she had not treated him well and had been sarcastic.  This line affected me deeply. And this morning I woke up sharply. The information I sought came to me in an early morning idea.  Why would anyone treat someone they are dating that way? I thought about myself and others I have spoken to about their dati...

Losing Childhoods For Children: Is it cool to be cruel ?

A ring leader decided you would be highlighted as a target, and there we go. Your school days are ruined by a toxic group.  Is the group headed by the chief toxic protected? Some would say yes. Others would say they are vulnerable and if we try to understand them we will find a fragile person, lashing out. Does that make ruining someone's life ok? You could even say that hurt people hurt people. Well, maybe they do.  If you are a parent of a child that has been bullied throughout school or for a time you will know the misery it causes. What seems to happen is that the victim is portrayed as the trouble maker and the group bullying, is then allowed to continue their reign of narcissism. This makes being part of that group appealing, as who wants to be bullied. Teachers and schools can enable narcissistic behaviors. And this is not about criticizing teachers. They do a hard job that most of us would not want to do.  So, children who have been hurt can hurt people? Bringing ...

Living In The Snow Dome Complex : Why you ?

When still living with the toxic one you you cannot see the part you play. Worst still, you do not realize they are with a highly skilled person who specifically chose you because of your suitable qualities. You fit together with the abuser like a plug and socket. You are in fact the power supply. Once you have been plugged in a while, you will keep on supplying them, enabling them, and making excuses for them for being so empty, manipulative, and abusive. Slowly yourself drains away. You are the ideal candidate for a partner. The first step is to realize that you have certain qualities that appeal to these types. Maybe, you had an abusive childhood. As a result of that abuse, you exhibit certain behaviors that attract those who score high on the scale of narcissism. Are you outwardly anxious? : You freeze, avoid, or maybe faun Toxic types are great observers. They stand back and clock how others interact and who they can play each individual. Now, I'm not on about those people who...