Self Talk; You Choose Your words

So, what do you tell yourself about you? Do you beat yourself up with words, and replay those old scenarios that make you feel repeatedly?

Or do you tell you that you love and respect yourself? That you are good enough, loveable, and wanted.

What about accepting yourself for who you are. You know, when we are around others who pick us to shreds, we learn to do this to ourselves.

You can spend so much time with a negative person, that the messages they gave you about yourself seem hardwired to your brain.

And this is the flip on the reality that was spun to you.

A negative parent or other might have surrounded you with negative messages. Both non-verbal and verbal.

Try weaving in new words... 

Imagine you are making a new way forward and only the right words will help you on your journey. Posative affirmations, and spending time cleansing yourself of the trauma left in you will smooth the path ahead. 

What about trying something new such as Yoga, EMDR, The Tapping Method, Massage, and breathing exercises. And of course, getting outside into nature. There's not a remedy that will fit every person the same, you need to find it. We are all individuals, and no one has power over you unless you let them. So with releasing the truama it is a try and see what works, but most of all this is all about you creating a new way forward, leaving those old self-critical sentences in the garbage where they belong.


All written content © Sonya Lawrence/ Vukomanovic

My other site: Art, Nature, books here


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