Real Time: Are Your Expectations Real?

Do you expect too much from them?

Do you repeat the following to yourself?  Why can't this person have a two-way conversation? Why, when I put everything into being open and communicating fairly. Treat them so well, why do they treat me so bad?

There is a clue there you know. Being fair to someone or an organization who takes shots at you, pulls you down, and cannot be like you, because they are not, is like standing beside a large puddle and then being surprised when a car comes along and you get covered in water.
Great Expectations is a wonderful book. But looking to others to treat you fairly, when some people are never going to do that, is at the least naive. Or at worst possibly co-dependent.

This may sound harsh, but your need for all others to treat you well is a case of false expectations. Accept it. It has everything to do with them but is not your business.

A percentage of the population that does not treat others well.

Why they do this, is really not your concern. Getting into an  " I can help you" quest, is a journey off your path. You owe a rude person nothing. and that's it really.

Through incorrectly taught Christian doctrine, we are told to try more. 

You are told to turn the other cheek. To give, and then give some more, and in the end, that nugget of goodness within the one you are hoping to change, save from themselves will burst out like a cuddly fluffy superbeing. They will thank you, give, have two-way conversations, and everything you expect.

Nope, I'm sorry, you are mistaken. There are people in this world who you are trying to change when it is not your place to demand change. It is your place to walk away from abuse or people who are not on your wavelength. Make the choice, and take it early.
That is a huge realization for many and could sound harsh. The expectation that others should and could if they tried to, treat you well, is a fallacy. It is their choice not to, and your choice if you stay. And you will remain until you have had enough.

When talking about those who live on toxic ground or the anti-social side of the tracks, you really need to leave that ground. Take a trip in the opposite direction and work on why you find it so hard to walk away.

All writing S. Lawrence  © 12/08/2024     


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