Toxic Abuse: The Bird Of Truth versus The Devil?

The Two Extremes and what this means in an unhealthy relationship.
Imagine seeing a stream bubbling along Infront of you. The beach on the right hand side of the water is dark, grainy, sharp, not a good place to be. On the left hand side of the river we can see light golden sands and in the tree sits an exotic beautiful bird, called the Bird Of Truth.
On the dark side sits the Devil. Spite and resentment, two horns for all to see.

So, you have a raft and you stand upon it to venture forward. You admire The Bird Of Truth, and would prefer to stay on that side of the river of life. But, to go on any further you need to travel past the Devil. The evil one has catapults loaded with fire and a bag of arrows full of insults ready to chuck at you. The devil also has a magic carpet if you choose to stop by, which will fly you to your destiny. To use this, you must never look at or visit the Bird Of Truth on you travels. That would result in death....

In the end you decide that deceitful tactics, strategies, and cheating to get you where you want will get you there quicker, so you hop on board the Devils shore. In return of the use of his magic carpet and training, you hand over your conscience and compassionate heart as a guarantee. The Devil does not inform you how, as you become more adept at scheming, ruining peoples lives, the more you will suffer. Month by month you develop new found depths of anger, stress, headaches. But as you choose the veil of darkness to be tied over your eyes, you cannot see how your actions are causing your own demise. You leave blame as shame on the shoulders of your victims.. 

As you journey forward and meet good hearted people, you use games of The Evil Triad and more, taught to you by the master, to bring them down. Win power, prestige, respect. You steal, pillage and wipe out any last remaining opponents who try to show you the errors of your ways.

You might say, hey Tiggy Sonya, how do you know this?

I worked it out through looking back at the behaviours of certain siblings in my childhood and how these behaviours where repeated later in my marriage.

 All toxic individuals in life, at some point choose to take up with the evil one. Some, I personally believe, are possibly genetically living out their programming. They intentionally cause harm to others to gain admiration, attention, money. To make darn well sure no one else's gets what they believe can only be there's. Spreading lies and slander to hide their abusive actions. Deflection.

But journeying this way is the voyage of self imposed madness. 

This dark spider creates such a web of lies, that in the end, they shall hang by their own threads.

And what can you learn from this?

That they shall always only have that small web of lies. Prisoners of their self or otherwise inflicted, accepted madness.

Most importantly, YOU can learn about YOU, and how these kinds of people will keep on appearing in life, but it is up to you how you react....And as an adult that means feeding and giving the Bird Of Truth a lot of attention.

Sonya Vukomanovic/ Lawrence 26/02/2024 7.30pm ©  Legally Protected.


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