Covert Narcissist: Mask Changes: Common Traits

So, you manage to survive a narcissistic relationship.

When you finally end their drama at times you believe you have the devil himself after you. But no, just a very evil person who seeks revenge for you seeing the truth and ending the relationship.

As I said in one of my films, whilst going through the latter part of my two-year harassment after ending my marriage I had a conversation with a DCI after the stalker that was put on to me was sectioned. It obviously had nothing to do with my ex, along with everything else it was a coincidence. I asked her if when the police are investigating a serial killer, will the suspect's behaviors have a lot in common with other personality B types that commit this kind of crime?

Yes, she replied, you have it! And this is also something I discovered whilst attending the Freedom Course at my local Woman’s Centre as well. As you get to know the other women (and some of them have gone on to be close friends), you find all the same given performances, and lines being played out over and over again.


If ever there was a missed opportunity it was for a narcissist. You see, acting for these types is something they do on an hourly basis. A shapeshifter is a perfect term for these slimy creatures.

 A friend of mine recalled how the one she was married to could flip into different personalities from one second to the next.

One day, there had been another verbal attack on her as she had asked about his odd behavior after returning from a work trip and why he had suddenly come home and sold his car for no reason. He had recently paid off the little car and had wanted to keep it forever. Looking back at the incident she could see he had something to hide. Amid his outburst, the cat appeared. He had picked up the animal, opened the back sliding doors in the living room, and with full strength chucked the tiny cat down the garden at full pelt. He wished it dead and cursed it, as just like everyone else, it was ruining his life. With a narcissist, or psychopath, this means you are blocking their path and stopping them from getting want they want, and covertly, you are their enemy. Or in the cat's case, you are an innocent bystander used to take their anger out on. Standing in the hallway of their house, he stood there spitting venom with his face and his mouth as usual. Suddenly the doorbell rang, and through the glass side panel of the front door, she saw it was her next-door neighbor, who was highly regarded in the local neighborhood.

At once, he opened the door, and his smiley, friendly perfected mask replaced the hatred and venom that had helped propel the aging animal down the garden. He greeted the nieghbour and turned with a smile to his wife and asked her to put the kettle on. She ran to the cat and left him to play act some more. He graciously invited the unsuspecting nieghbour in and calmly made freshly brewed coffee…why stand in the cold? He smiled, manically, but the nieghbour just saw the mask. The acting was another Oscar-winning performance and one that would lead to his confidence growing in all the evil things he went on to commit against his wife. And of course, with his perfect persona at work, and when required, and her feeling obliged to hide the truth, his Machiavellian acting swelled his breast like a sunbathing peacock.

All content based on research and others experiences © S. Lawrence/Vukomanovic 07.12.2023


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